Winter Dehydration Warning!

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Winter Dehydration Warning!

In looking over a client’s bloodwork this week, I noticed a couple markers that were slightly out of the “healthy” range that could indicate slight dehydration – an easy thing to fix. I asked him if he drank enough water to which his wife replied, “No! He never drinks enough!” His response was a common one I often hear from clients: “I drink enough in the summer, but in the winter, I don’t need to.”

Many people know that they need to drink more water. “Hydrate! Make sure you hydrate!” Jerry Seinfeld even had a standup bit about it that we posted on our Facebook page. The truth is, most people don’t drink enough water.

Studies have shown that dehydration is very prevalent in the winter, where humidity drops and cold actually suppresses the body’s thirst mechanisms.

“People just don’t feel as thirsty when the weather is cold,” says Robert Kenefick, University of New Hampshire associate professor of Kinesiology. “When they don’t feel thirsty, they don’t drink as much, and this can cause dehydration.”

What people are saying about Morter Wellness

WOW…Dr. Ted, you have “The Touch”. For years I have had chronic low back pain. It has been so severe at times that I was unable to walk. I have seen other doctors and they have helped, but the pain has always remained. I have learned to deal with it on a daily basis. The mornings are the worse, trying to get out of bed. After two treatments from you, I was able to get out of bed and feel fantastic…ready to start my day. Thank You! Thank You! I am a believer and will keep coming in for regular “tune ups” for my body.

Susan, Arkansas

When we first started going to see Dr. Katy in January 2011, my son was having about 10-15 seizures a day, that lasted about 5-10 seconds, and he would fall most times and when he fell at school, they sent him home. January, and February he was sent home almost everyday. Dr. Katy did a lot of adjustments, and gave my son exercises to do to reduce stress. She also changed his diet and our whole family is now eating healthier because of her educating us….Our health has totally changed, we feel so much better!… Since Dr. Katy started us on the diet, my sons seizures have been few and far between, and if and when we see one it is only a maximum 2-3 seconds. Read the rest of Elijah’s story here.

Scheleta, Indiana

What I expected was for Dr. Ted to adjust my back by pushing and causing it to crack… I wasn’t expecting the treatment or results I received and I can’t explain what happened… That one non-invasive, unaggressive adjustment led to the elimination of lower back pain that I had suffered from for many years – and had seen other doctors for!… I was anticipating something extraordinary and that’s just what I got. Go for it! Read the rest of Shenice’s story here.

Shenice, Indiana

I am 27 years old, and I was born with mild spastic cerebral palsy. All my life I’ve had back and muscle pain because of the way my cerebral palsy causes me to walk. My pain always got even worse when I was under emotional stress. I was in physical therapy for most of my childhood, though I couldn’t see it helping me. I started going to Dr. Katy about six weeks ago, and within two days of my first adjustment I noticed a vast improvement in my walking. Now I am walking straighter than I ever have, and I can walk for much longer before getting tired. Now when my feet move incorrectly, I notice it right away and I am able to adjust my feet immediately. This is something I’ve never been able to do before going to Dr. Katy. The treatment I’ve received with Dr. Katy is the only treatment I’ve ever truly seen help me.

Maria, Indiana