Kids & Sports Injuries

Children are playing sports more than ever and younger than ever and their little bodies are put through enormous strain. For them, Chiropractic care is essential. Maintaining spinal and joint alignment helps prevent injuries as well as promoting general health.

Sports can be fantastic opportunities for kids to have fun, learn teambuilding skills and exercise, but there is a downside.

With more and more kids playing organized sports, studies have shown that one quarter of kids in sports develop injuries in areas like the knee, shoulder, ankle and elbow.

The real culprit in these injuries is repetitive actions. The San Francisco Gate reports “About half of sports injuries in children are from overuse – think Little League pitchers or high school swimmers who make the same motions over and over. Adult bodies can often take the strain of constant use, but younger bodies, especially pre-adolescents who haven’t finished growing, are more vulnerable to injury.”

Along with moderation in kids’ sports, a key in staying healthy and in the game is maintaining proper alignment of the joints with Chiropractic care. When the joints are aligned properly, this nervous system (the connection between your brain and body) works more efficiently. Therefore your body operates more efficiently. Your weight distribution and the strain on muscle attachments, ligaments and cartilage is balanced, reducing the chance of injury.

Adult sport superstars like Lance Armstrong, Joe Montana, Evander Holyfield, Barry Bonds and Emmitt Smith all retain personal Chiropractors and credit regular adjustments with helping them succeed.

Smith told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that “Playing in a football game is like being in 30-40 car accidents.”

Dan O’Brien, gold medalist in the Decathalon said, “You obviously can’t compete at your fullest if you’re not in alignment. And your body can’t heal if your back is not in alignment. It was the holistic idea that I liked about chiropractic…”